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您只能為您自己的非商業用途使用本內容參與本平台、下訂單或購買Attis Captain 亞特司商品。您同意不修改或刪除任何您下載從本平台的資料或列印的資料上的所有權聲明。您同意未經Attis Captain 亞特司事先書面同意,不得改變、複製、翻譯、廣播、演出、展示、散布、塑造、生產、再版、下載、發表、傳輸或銷售任何本平台上出現的智慧財產權或內容,包括使用者產生內容(見下述定義),但是您自己合法發布於本平台的使用者產生內容除外。您同意不使用任何數據挖掘、機器人、數據抓取或類似的數據收集方法。本使用條款中任何內容不應被解釋為授予您任何智慧財產權。


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您應對使用您Attis Captain 亞特司帳戶作出的任何行為負責。請保護您使用者名稱/密碼的安全,勿允許其他任何人透過您的使用者名稱/密碼使用本平台。Attis Captain 亞特司對任何非經授權,使用您使用者名稱/密碼的行為所造成的損失,不承擔任何責任,不論該非授權使用您是否知悉。


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Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this Platform. When using this website, mobile application or other Attis Captain product and service (collectively the “Platform”) on any computer, smartphone, tablet or other device (collectively, “Device”), you signify that you have already read, understand and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and other applicable law, whether or not you have registered as Attis Captain member. Attis Captain has the right to amend these Terms of Use at any anytime without notice, effective upon its posting to the Platform. If you continue to use this Platform, you will be deemed to have accepted the revision of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use this Platform. 

1.Physical Activity Notice

This Platform may include some features promoting physical activities. Please consider the risks involved and consult with your medical professional before engaging in any physical activity. Attis Captain is not responsible or liable for any injury or damage you may sustain that result from your use, or inability to use, of the features of this Platform.

2.Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property on this Platform (except user-generated content) is owned by Attis Captain or its licensors, including materials protected by copyright, trademark or patent laws. All trademarks, service marks, and product names (e.g., the style design of Attis Captain’s name) are owned, registered and/or licensed by Attis Captain. All content on this Platform (except user-generated content), including but not limited to text, software, scripts, code, designs, graphics, pictures, sounds, music, videos, applications, interactive features and all other content (“Content”) is a collective work under the copyright laws of republic of china (Taiwan) and other countries and is the proprietary property of Attis Captian. All rights reserved.

3.Platform usage restrictions

You may use the content only for your own non-commercial use to participate in the Platform or to place an order or purchase Attis Captain products or services. You agree not to modify or delete the ownership statement on downloaded or printed materials from this Platform. You agree not to modify, copy, translate, broadcast, perform, display, disseminate, frame, reproduce, republish, download, display, post, transmit or sell any intellectual property or content appearing on this Platform, including user-generated content (defined below), without Attis Captain’s prior written consent, unless it is your own user-generated content that you legally post on this Platform. You agree not to use any data mining, robots, data scraping or similar data gathering methods. Nothing in these terms of use should be interpreted as granting any intellectual property rights to you.

4.Product Orders (Only applicable when users purchase products from the Platform)

The commodity prices and other information displayed on this Platform are only an invitation to the offer, and your order should be regarded as an offer. All orders placed through the Platform are subject to Attis Captain’s acceptance. This means that Attis Captain may refuse to accept or may cancel any order, whether or not the order has been confirmed, for any or no reason, and without liability to you or anyone else. If your financial card, credit card, bank account or other third-party payment account (Alipay, UnionPay online payment, Tenpay, etc.) has already been charged for an order that is later cancelled, Attis Captain will issue you a refund to the original purchase account. See the purchase rules for details.

5.User name/password protection

You are responsible for any actions performed using your Attis Captain account. Please keep your username/password safe and do not allow anyone else to use this Platform through your username/password. Attis Captain is not liable for any loss caused by any unauthorized use of your user name/password, whether or not you are aware of the unauthorized use.

6.User-generated content

"User-generated content" is the communications, materials, information, data, reviews, pictures, files, messages, annotations, website links, text information, music, videos, designs, graphics, sounds and any other content that you and/or other Platform users post or otherwise make available on or through this Platform, except to the extent the content is owned by Attis Captain.

7.Posting rules: users are responsible for user-generated content and user conduct

You are solely responsible for your user-generated content, interactions with other users and your activities on the Platform. Please do not take any action or post anything that may expose Attis Captain or its users to any harm or assume any responsibility.

8.Be relevant and constructive

Please post only constructive comments and questions that are limited to the topic. Unless the Platform feature asks for it, do not talk about policies, future products, speculations or rumors about Attis Captain and Attis Captain products, or services or anything that is not related to the topic.

9.Courtesy and appropriateness

Flaming and insulting behaviors are prohibited. Do not post user-generated content, or a website link that, in Attis Captain’s sole discretion, is illegal, offensive, slanderous, defamatory, infringing, inflammatory, deceptive, inaccurate, misleading, malicious, fraudulent, false, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, violent, sexually explicit, infringement of privacy, publicity, intellectual property, exclusive or contractual rights, offensive in gender, race, culture, or religion, will harm or threaten the safety of others, or is otherwise objectionable. Do not post pictures or videos of others without their consent. Do not “stalk,” intimidate, abuse, harm or harass another Platform user or person.

